Friday, January 29, 2016

Validity E-KTP Lifetime

The Ministry of the Interior (Home Affairs Ministry) rate is still a lot of people who do not know that the Electronic Identity Card (e-ID) does not need to be extended as valid for life.

Director General of Population and Civil Registration (DG Dukcapil) Kemendagri Zudan Fakrulloh said people E-ID card holders to deal again with the resident card maker services if they change status. For example, of the unmarried when creating the E-ID card but then later married.

Or when creating e-ID card has not got a degree, but recently graduated from college, for example, and have a degree that is considered need to be included on the card. Also when moving address.

"There needs to be extended in accordance pasal110 Act No. 24 of 2013 (concerning Population Administration, red). Electronic Identity Card altered or printed again if the change of address, change the status of bachelor so already married, or add titles and others, "said Prof. Zudan, her nickname, yesterday (29/1).

Yesterday, Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo re-issued a statement on this matter. He warned citizens E-ID card holders, lest inedible persuasion scalpers manufacture of identity cards of the residents.

Stressed once again that the period of validity of the residence card for life despite having recorded the expiration date. That is, even though the effective date has passed, the E-ID card remains valid.

"Therefore, those who do not know this, do not want if you are asked for money by brokers or staff person to take care of and make new ones in electronic identity cards," said Tjahjo, yesterday (29/1).

He explained that there is a difference E-scene freshly printed now, with printed earlier. For the owner of the e-ID card that is not listed article applies Lifetime, is expected not to worry because it remains valid for life.

"Electronic ID cards are now in the period of validity applies Lifetime indeed written, but for the already expired are still valid and remain in force," he said.

Former Secretary General of the PDI-P was remind people not to be afraid and worry rejected, while showing the E-KTP unwritten Lifetime applicable when there are police raids or while taking care of important papers in the office / institution anywhere. The provision is already regulated Law No. 24 of 2013, which is contained in Article 64 paragraph 7A.


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