The rallies were allegedly directed Malkan Amin-Andi stronghold of Salahuddin Rum in Barru, Friday (29/1) reaped diverse community censure. Most of judging, the action was a sign of immaturity in politics.
Because the stages of the elections that have been completed and has been officially set Andi Suardi Gratitude, Saleh Idris (AIS) as regent and vice regent elected, should be acceptable to all parties, without anyone else who tries to provoke, or to dramatize the issue in the community.
AIS spokesman, Arif Salah said, a true post-election, all parties no longer sharpen the differences in attitudes in the election. Rather it shows a commitment to jointly build Barru. Moreover, since the beginning, AIS has been invited and confirmed ready to embrace the former rivals.
"This is a reality in the elections, that people still want Idris-Suardi became regent and vice regent. It was evident from the acquisition of majority voting which is also reinforced by the Court's decision which rejected the lawsuit results. So once again, let us tolerant to accept the fact, "Arif appealed when asked for his response, related rallies in Barru.
Arif was reminded that today's society needs and wants a quiet coolness to run a variety of activities. Not even tried to lead and in his name if it does not want Idris-Suardi became regent and vice regent.
"Never mind. Never again lead the people. Poor communities. They need peace, and most are no longer concerned about the attitude difference in the election. It's time we embraced back and unite the potential to build and promote Barru towards the better, "said Arif.
Just to note, dozens of people on behalf of people held rallies in Barru. They refused on the grounds of Gratitude Idris led a suspect. In fact, when the plenary meeting on the establishment of the Commission recently, it went smoothly and there was no rejection. At that time attended by the acting regent, police chief, Dandim, leadership of Parliament, the Commission, the Supervisory Committee, and others.
Because the stages of the elections that have been completed and has been officially set Andi Suardi Gratitude, Saleh Idris (AIS) as regent and vice regent elected, should be acceptable to all parties, without anyone else who tries to provoke, or to dramatize the issue in the community.
AIS spokesman, Arif Salah said, a true post-election, all parties no longer sharpen the differences in attitudes in the election. Rather it shows a commitment to jointly build Barru. Moreover, since the beginning, AIS has been invited and confirmed ready to embrace the former rivals.
"This is a reality in the elections, that people still want Idris-Suardi became regent and vice regent. It was evident from the acquisition of majority voting which is also reinforced by the Court's decision which rejected the lawsuit results. So once again, let us tolerant to accept the fact, "Arif appealed when asked for his response, related rallies in Barru.
Arif was reminded that today's society needs and wants a quiet coolness to run a variety of activities. Not even tried to lead and in his name if it does not want Idris-Suardi became regent and vice regent.
"Never mind. Never again lead the people. Poor communities. They need peace, and most are no longer concerned about the attitude difference in the election. It's time we embraced back and unite the potential to build and promote Barru towards the better, "said Arif.
Just to note, dozens of people on behalf of people held rallies in Barru. They refused on the grounds of Gratitude Idris led a suspect. In fact, when the plenary meeting on the establishment of the Commission recently, it went smoothly and there was no rejection. At that time attended by the acting regent, police chief, Dandim, leadership of Parliament, the Commission, the Supervisory Committee, and others.