Gafatar leadership. Chairman Gafatar Mahful Muis Tumanurung while following Gafatar activities last year.
"I kanget when I saw interviewed on TV and his name has been linked with the organization of the Movement Fajar Nusantara (Gafatar)," he said.
Mukti Alimin admitted he shared Mahful about 7 years in a dormitory. According to him, in Pesantren Tonrongnge there used to be a term grade of 0 for a year, then education Tsanawiah 3 years and Aliah 3 years. "I am quite familiar with him, I still remember well as I ever came to one of the houses in Tonasa Pangkep, whether it is home or not . Obviously I still remember it, "he said.
The doctoral candidate admitted kanget because he knew only the name Mahful Muis, no last name Tumanurung.
Related organization led by his friend, Mukti said he did not know anything about Gafatar. "After we parted at the school he attended S1 in Yogyakarta," he said.
Meanwhile, Safaruddin Latif, one of the Trustees Boarding DDI Mangkoso Mahful figure Muis admitted to knowing when to be students in Tonrongnge. Muis Mahful figure it is a figure that is simple, yet it is smart. "When I was in boarding school he never showed anything that is not liked," he said. Former member of parliament this Barru assess Mahful Muis was contaminated with outsiders.
"Problem Gafatar organization once headed and lately called, we did not know. But he said he had students in Mangkoso," he said.
For information Mahful Muis who is now aged 39 years and often write his name Mahful Muis, MA once wrote a book called Abraham Build Unity Faith Theology, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Dawn movement which claims the archipelago is an organization engaged in social and budaya.Deklarasi Gafatar held Saturday, January 21, 2012 in the building JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta. This movement has site. Site registered since 2011 are still valid until October 2016. The vision, mission, objectives and work program of this social organization did not mention the name of the agama.Dalam Gafatar written rationale that Indonesia called yet completely independent of the system of neocolonial occupation and neoimperialis.