A friend told me; if you cholesterol or high triglycerides that do not take anti-cholesterol drugs but repair of liver function, because most cholesterol in the body is produced in the liver. So if that means high kolesterolmu abnormal heart function in producing the cholesterol needed by the body.
The message seems reasonable too ya ...., thought I was in the heart.
Then if so how can we improve heart function?
A lot of the way and we need to know what are the new trigger factors can later be overcome one by one, but this time sy using herbal medicine traditional herb that is TEMULAWAK, almost every day I drank meeting buffoonery and alhamdullilah my cholesterol is normal. so he told me. http://www.konsultankolesterol.com/khasiat-temulawak.html
Cholesterol is actually understanding what the heck?
Cholesterol is a soft fat that can be produced by the body or produced from food sources. Normally the body can produce as much as 800 mg of cholesterol each day. Parts of the body is the liver produces cholesterol, while cholesterol produced from food sources can be obtained from some eat, such as meat, seafood, egg yolk and milk / dairy processed products. At normal levels of cholesterol can have many benefits, including:
Cholesterol beneficial for fetal and infant brain development
Cholesterol beneficial to neural development
Pemungkus nerve tissue and cell membranes
Produce hormones that are good for human immunity
Still many functions of cholesterol are good for the body, unfortunately cholesterol levels that are not controlled backfire to humans and it was a cause of some diseases in the body. High cholesterol can actually be identified from the symptoms that occur.
Symptoms anything anyway if the cholesterol level exceeds the threshold?
The first one is tired, sleepy but easy insomnia, often feels stiff shoulder, sore, "kemeng" Javanese language. Red eyes and felt heavy and watery, easily catching a cold or the immune system easily drop.
Then what are factors that trigger or cause?
Cholesterol levels were normal for the body is 160-200 mg. If you have cholesterol levels above 240 mg then you include people who have high cholesterol levels. Many things can cause high cholesterol faktro including heredity and unhealthy lifestyle. Here is an explanation of the causes of high cholesterol in humans.
1. Menu Foods
I have explained that the majority of cholesterol are produced in the human body, especially in the liver. Almost 80% of the intake of cholesterol has been met by the new body itself thereafter generated from other sources such as food. Unfortunately, some foods have cholesterol levels high enough so that it can exceed 240 mg. Some causes of high cholesterol foods are meat, milk, cheese, egg yolks and butter. The fifth of these foods contain a lot of saturated fats that trigger high levels of tolesterol. Besides snacks such as snacks, chips and crackers that contain lots of trans fats also trigger high cholesterol levels.
2. Obesity / Weight Excess
Obesity is a source of some diseases, it may be some time ago I have to say that obesity is a cause of diabetes. Again and again obesity is a leading cause of high cholesterol are quite dangerous. People who are overweight / obese tend to have high levels of bad cholesterol is high enough. Oiya I almost forgot to explain that cholesterol was divided into two 'bad cholesterol' / LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and 'good cholesterol' / HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein). In people who have obesity levels HDLnya really small compared to her LDL tinggi.Obesitas also triggers triglyceride levels also raise cholesterol levels.
3. Poor Sports
Exercise has many benefits, unfortunately busyness can make people become less exercise. People who rarely exercise this risk have higher cholesterol levels than people who exercise regularly. This actually can be anticipated if you were a lot of activity. If you spend much of your working time to sit down, sometimes the one you go for a walk and do other activities that motion. Work sit for a long time also the cause of high cholesterol who do not realize a lot of people.
4. Smoking
If you are a smoker, from this moment began to reduce the habit until later you can leave cigarettes. Cigarettes containing acrolein / harmful chemicals that can reduce the levels of good cholesterol / HDL. Reduced levels of HDL can certainly lead to high levels of LDL in the body that are dangerous to every human being. These substances can also cause buildup of fat in the liver, so Ahti can not function properly.
5. Consumption of Alcohol
Besides smoking, high cholesterol levels can be caused by alcohol consumption. People who consume alcohol on a regular basis to levels that many potential to have high cholesterol compared to those who never consumed alcohol.
6. Age and Gender
Increased levels of olesterol can occur in over 20 years. At this age cholesterol levels tend to rise and if not controlled properly will be a danger of harm to the body. Usually if the man was the age of above 50 years of higher cholesterol levels and cholesterol levels for women can be dropped at the time of menopause but will increase again afterwards.
7. Consumption of Drugs
People who consume drugs beralam of chemicals actually have the risk of high cholesterol. Medications such as estrogen, beta-blockers and thiazide is a cause of high cholesterol by reducing levels of HDL are located in the body.
8. Other Diseases
There are several diseases that tend to trigger high cholesterol levels. For example, people who have high blood pressure or hypertension is known to be have high cholesterol levels. While other diseases are heart disease chronic liver and kidney disorders.
9. Heredity / Genetics Factors
If you have a family history of the disease who have high cholesterol you need to be careful. This is because people who are in the lineage that has a history of high cholesterol has a tendency to inherit these things than people who do not have a history of hereditary cholesterol.
10. Stress
People who have high levels of stess actually increase LDL levels were quite high. This will be exacerbated if the person chose a shortcut to end the stress by consuming tobacco, alcohol and foods containing substances cause high cholesterol.
Similarly, some of the things that can trigger high levels of cholesterol in the body. If you feel the above matters is your habit, you should change it and try to run a healthy lifestyle to prevent high cholesterol. Hopefully some of the causes of high cholesterol can open your eyes to always maintain a healthy body for a better life