Nowadays we are all in the millennium century.
Well We all .......
We are all modern orang2 dg many advances that we have achieved remarkable success ..
We often feel has managed to create a civilization that is much better. But what is so ... ??
Try for a moment we think about, whether we succeed or even fail to create a better civilization than our previous successor generesi ...
Note .......
We have succeeded in building that higher gedung2 but have not managed to build patience that .....................
We managed to build a freeway road which is so great. But it has a more narrow viewing angle reply.
We managed to find the money over that Byk but have less time.
We have a home that is larger but far less distinguished family ..
We have a house that is a little more but we live in.
We have more degrees but the logic that more and more narrow.
We have more knowledge but the conscience that the less.
More experts but far more problems.
More obat2an but our health is much more vulnerable.
We drink and smoke too much, spend some time dg too recklessly, laugh more and more little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, and waking up too tired.
Read too little, watch TV too much and pray less and less.
We have doubled the goods we possess, but reduces our self-esteem.
We talk too much but too seldom listen.
We learned how to make that much but not looking for a happy and meaningful life.
We have reached the moon but it has a problem dg crossing the street to meet our new neighbors on the home of our own.
We have defeated the space but failed to beat lust ourselves.
We have done a great hal2 but not hal2 noble.
We have managed to clear the air but have failed to cleanse the soul.
We write more but read a little more.
We plan more but accomplish far less.
We can always learn to move more quickly instead of being more patient.
We are so much create communication tools to communicate with the family but the less.
Indeed we are in an age of fast food all served but more slowly digested.
Many are born great but dg character orang2 a very stunted.
That the higher income but who increasingly tenuous relationship.
This is the age where a lot of peace negotiations made but much more wars.
This was the era of quick trips, disposable diapers, which already wasted morality, relationships just one night stands, overweight bodies.
And pil2 that can do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill and kill.
This is the era in which many goods available in the market but people can not afford to buy it.
This is the era in which technological progress can convey this message to you but at the same era in which you can choose. Do you just listen to this insight, or or just say ... ah, this is not important, there is no time for reflection.
Remember ...... Spend more time to orang2 who we love right now because they are not always there by our side forever.
Remember .. Say good words and sentences that love to those who have been looking at you with fear.
Remember ..
Give the warmest hug for best orang2 your side, because it is pervasive satu2nya treasure you provide without requiring cost a penny.
Give time to love, give time to speak, give time to share the precious mind of your minds.
A child did not ask a lot of treasures from their parents, but a lot of time given to joint.
A child does not need a parent who works dg proximity to an official, a businessman and a man of honor, but only your closeness with him.
Remember, life is not measured dg the number of breaths we take, but how we spend our breath.
Let us think, whether we are in the process of progress or regress of civilization the way that we're living right now ...?
Well We all .......
We are all modern orang2 dg many advances that we have achieved remarkable success ..
We often feel has managed to create a civilization that is much better. But what is so ... ??
Try for a moment we think about, whether we succeed or even fail to create a better civilization than our previous successor generesi ...
Note .......
We have succeeded in building that higher gedung2 but have not managed to build patience that .....................
We managed to build a freeway road which is so great. But it has a more narrow viewing angle reply.
We managed to find the money over that Byk but have less time.
We have a home that is larger but far less distinguished family ..
We have a house that is a little more but we live in.
We have more degrees but the logic that more and more narrow.
We have more knowledge but the conscience that the less.
More experts but far more problems.
More obat2an but our health is much more vulnerable.
We drink and smoke too much, spend some time dg too recklessly, laugh more and more little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, and waking up too tired.
Read too little, watch TV too much and pray less and less.
We have doubled the goods we possess, but reduces our self-esteem.
We talk too much but too seldom listen.
We learned how to make that much but not looking for a happy and meaningful life.
We have reached the moon but it has a problem dg crossing the street to meet our new neighbors on the home of our own.
We have defeated the space but failed to beat lust ourselves.
We have done a great hal2 but not hal2 noble.
We have managed to clear the air but have failed to cleanse the soul.
We write more but read a little more.
We plan more but accomplish far less.
We can always learn to move more quickly instead of being more patient.
We are so much create communication tools to communicate with the family but the less.
Indeed we are in an age of fast food all served but more slowly digested.
Many are born great but dg character orang2 a very stunted.
That the higher income but who increasingly tenuous relationship.
This is the age where a lot of peace negotiations made but much more wars.
This was the era of quick trips, disposable diapers, which already wasted morality, relationships just one night stands, overweight bodies.
And pil2 that can do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill and kill.
This is the era in which many goods available in the market but people can not afford to buy it.
This is the era in which technological progress can convey this message to you but at the same era in which you can choose. Do you just listen to this insight, or or just say ... ah, this is not important, there is no time for reflection.
Remember ...... Spend more time to orang2 who we love right now because they are not always there by our side forever.
Remember .. Say good words and sentences that love to those who have been looking at you with fear.
Remember ..
Give the warmest hug for best orang2 your side, because it is pervasive satu2nya treasure you provide without requiring cost a penny.
Give time to love, give time to speak, give time to share the precious mind of your minds.
A child did not ask a lot of treasures from their parents, but a lot of time given to joint.
A child does not need a parent who works dg proximity to an official, a businessman and a man of honor, but only your closeness with him.
Remember, life is not measured dg the number of breaths we take, but how we spend our breath.
Let us think, whether we are in the process of progress or regress of civilization the way that we're living right now ...?