Monday, September 23, 2013


Hamdan Juhannis, professor of the State Islamic University 
(UIN) Makassar, make a scene in the book discussion seminar participants restouran Dinasty a few days ago. Participants were almost entirely educators in Parepare made to forget the time when the professor peel autobiography with dazzling style and rhetoric, for nearly two hours. Coupled with Bugis dialect is very strong.

Mendang, thus the nickname great teachers in small time, outlines very cool and slick course of his life from childhood to achievement as the youngest professor at a state university in the country's Bugis-Makassar. Narrated how small Mendang coming from remote areas of the touch technology, struggling to survive in the midst of poverty and the absence of near-perfect.

'Against Fate', the title of the autobiography of the professor, was provocative in the midst of understanding among the public about the destiny that is identical to the will of God that can not be circumvented. However, according to writer and main actor, against fate is not against the will of God, but rather meant as an attempt to change the perception or the public perception that has been embedded or implanted in the mind and becomes something to be taken for granted. According to him, destiny or toto in Bugis language is the provision God Himself man who never knew his form was like and what it should be believed to be human. Fate will be known after the occurrence. However, people are actually able to move from one destiny to another destiny.

Determined that Mendang fighting against the notion that poverty that accompany the faithful since childhood will not be far from the next life. He is with all its strong determination are also trying to continue his education as high as possible to skim the villagers have given the impression of people who see the absurdity of this in the middle kemskinan extreme. This is what he regarded as against fate, and managed to reverse that assumption and prove that he can be successful in life.

Now, what to do with UKG?

Analogize exposure to the professor, the existence of the individual as a teacher is defined as a destiny that has been outlined by God and can not be changed by the creature. In Bugis, this condition is described with the phrase "totomu mancaji teacher". At that time, the statement is interpreted as the view that despise the teaching profession. But over time, it seems the destiny of another talk. The teaching profession be on the rise among other professions following the emergence of the professional allowance of teachers, better known as the benefits of certification. Be the teaching profession envied by other professions

Well, this is where the threads. Teacher Competency Test (UKG), which has just held by the Ministry of Education and Culture does not seem far from the affairs of destiny. So when UKG began echoed, educator man began to worry and feel ketar ketir with that information. What else there is news that will impact threatening UKG low value would disturb the "destiny" that has been comfortably enjoyed

Indeed, as is always asserted Kemendikbud, UKG not affect and are not related to teacher certification allowances that have been received so far. Nevertheless, there are still concerns about the existence of "change fate" as the implications of the implementation of the UKG.

Why fight fate?

Against fate actually is trying to change the notion that the teacher is a profession periphery or the last option that can even be done by anyone, into a dream and noble profession that needed everyone. Against destiny is changing the paradigm of learning from teacher-oriented to student oriented. Changing the function of an informant teachers become facilitators for students or change the behavior of a good listener muird be creative and innovative students. Not to forget also the determination to change the motto of teachers as 'heroes without merit' to 'hero of all time'

If understanding like this, then I agree and invite all teachers to fight destiny. Long live the Republic of Indonesia teacher!


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