Director Vikram K Kumar, who has made some acclaimed and promising hits like Madhavan-Neetu Chandra starrer Yaavaram Nalam (13 B in Hindi) and Niti- Nithya Menon starrer Ishq (Telugu), is all set for his mega budget laugh riot, Manam (Telugu) with the three generations of Akkinenis- Akkineni Nageswara Rao, Nagarjuna andNaga Chaitanya in the lead.
Coinciding with the 90th birthday of Shri Akkineni Nageswara Rao, thefirst look poster of the film was released today, 20th September. The family entertainer will also have two of the topmost heroines from the south, Shriya and Samantha as the female leads.
Produced by the Akkinenis themselves, under their home banner Annapurna Studios, this film is touted to be the ‘biggest film in the career’ of Vikram K Kumar. Manam will also star geniuses of comedy like Brahmanandham, MS Narayana and Aali.
After this project, director Vikram is planning to do a Tamil film with producer Vimal of V6 Dimensions Productions.