Sunday, July 31, 2016

Never Known Sacrificing to the US, Trump Up Pitam

US presidential candidate (US) of Republicans strike back father a Muslim soldier who died in Iraq. Man named Khizr Khan said that Trump is never sacrificed for the US.
Trump said that he had made many sacrifices. "I worked very, very hard. I have made thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, build a great building," he said.
"I've been a tremendous success. I think I've done a lot of things," he said as quoted from page Daily Mail, Sunday (31/07/2016).
Trump also questioned whether his rival, Hillary Clinton, who was behind the statement of Khan. Khan confessed that he wrote his own statement with his wife, Ghazala.
"Who wrote that speech? Is Hillary playwright who wrote it? If you melihta his wife, she was standing there. He did not say anything. He might not be allowed to say something," said Trump.
Strong criticism Khizr Khan appears in a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Not only questioning the sacrifice of Donald Trump for US, Khizr Khan, also rebuked the top Republican candidates plan to ban foreign Muslims entering the US.


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