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Bujung Makkatoang village charm Nepo

Bujung Makkatoang, so the local people called the river waterfalls that flow limiting Nepo village to village Barantang. Waterfall Bujung Makkatoang a frozen stream of water among the rocks that formed hundreds of years ago. The flow of this river have levels, causing a roar of water, steam, and rainbow.
This Makkatoang Bujung have many similarities, one of which is the flow of the river that flows between rocks frozen. Only, Bujung Makkatoang apparently has its own uniqueness, namely the left and right sides of the back of the hill was decorated by several streams of a small waterfall that is very exotic.
For the location Bujung Makkatoang, the trip takes approximately 30 minutes drive.

Access to the waterfall Bujung Makkatoang is quite challenging. Starting from the barren hill climb, then proceed with the production of forest along with a slope of about 45 degrees, then down the path slippery and full of brambles. Then walk for about 30 minutes, and will hear the roar of the water, it was a sign of the journey you've approached the river flow Bujung Makkatoang

Once down some slippery road terrain and sheer will arrive at the banks of the river, then please along the edge of the river upstream until arriving at the location Waterfall Bujung Makkatoang. Remember do not get too close to the river, well, you should walk a bit kepinggir cause relatively very swift river currents to the texture of the rocks in the river passable slippery.

For those who love relaxation should meditate on the rocks that are in front of the waterfall while enjoying the thundering waterfalls. For those who want to swim to enjoy the cold waterfall, may anyway, but it certainly should pay attention first water discharge conditions at the time. Waterfall Bujung Makkatoang also have varying levels into the pool tables, which are under the waterfall. According to local residents, the pool is in the first level, so must be careful if you want to swim there.

One more thing that should never be forgotten that add to the collection of personal photos of you, because the waterfall Bujung Makkatoang very genic and instagramable loh!, Therefore, advised to bring spare camera battery.

Waterfall Bujung Makkatoang one of tourist destinations in the border village by village Nepo Barantang recomended subdistrict Mallusetasi Kab.Barru which really does make you who love adventure, natural cruising, hiking, swimming, rafting and of course photography. If you want to visit this place, we recommend you should take the time around day and night. Camper Saturday night you can enjoy the beautiful mountains of Nepo and Barantang the air cool. After that, the pack heading into Bujung Makkatoang

As other natural destinations is not yet have the facilities, we were advised to equip themselves with a number of tools such as hiking boots and bring a safety rope to pass through terrain incline and decline. Try also ask local residents to drive to the location Bujung Makkatoang The villagers very welcome and certainly willing to deliver. Finally do not forget to take stock more yes for divided up into local village children.

Here are the photos and video

His videos can be viewed on youtube with address

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